Issue with high contrast light and dark themes

The high contrast light/dark themes do not display some numeric values (I assume these are written with a code markdown tag). See attached example.

Thanks for sharing this bug @lseiter! I’ve created a bug report for this to our team so we can get it squashed. For the MSFT team, this is issue 2518.

Hi Adam,

Thanks for responding. The link to the github issues repo does not seem to work.

Is there a direct way to report bugs for the VS Code for Education courses? I’m stepping through the Intro to Python course to potentially assign it to my students in my course and would like to be able to report bugs as I go through the material, The feedback link on each page does not allow me to provide details for bugs or screen attachments. It seems more like it is set up for generic feedback rather than bug reporting.

There is a problem in the instructions with Lesson 2 -User Interaction of the Intro to Python course. The “Check your understanding” question asks what is returned by the function, but the autograder wants the user to enter what is printed when calling the function rather than what is returned from the function call. See attached screenshot.

Linda Seiter


Hi Linda,

Member of the dev team here. Just wanted to let you know that we prioritized this and recently fixed the issue. You will likely see the change in the coming weeks.

As for reporting bugs and including screenshots and more details, we’re working on replacing our existing feedback form with a better, more integrated experience that will allow screenshots among other things. I can’t specify when it will release, but it is currently being prioritized. Until then, the best way to file issues for us today is to use the existing feedback form.
